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- A complete list with all cheats for The Sims 4. This list contains The Sims 4 Seasons cheats, The Sims 4 City Living cheats, The Sims 4 Get Together cheats, The Sims 4 Get to Work cheats, The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat cheats and The Sims 4 Spa Day cheats. Here is a list with all of them.
- Since 1996, CheatCodes.com has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit CheatCodes.com first!
Cockroaches/Virtual Reality Set
Do not clean your house and wait for cockroachesto appear. When they appear, pick them up andsell them for 460 Simoleans. The game willdescribe them as the SSRI Virtual Reality Set.
Console CommandsPress Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up a cheat console. Then type the following codes (without the quotes) and press 'Enter' to enble the corresponding effect. ALL Homes are Temporarily Free while the Cheat is Active. Enter Cheat in the Neighborhood Screen. To enable Sims 4 cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C while in game to open the cheat console. Type your chosen cheat codes into the text field that opens and press enter. For cheats marked as 'shift.
Get Money Easily
First, buy a firework launcher. Then, shoot therocket. When it comes down, press pause. You'renow able to move the cursor on the rocket andsell it for 5,000 dollars.
Get Abducted By Aliens
To get abducted by aliens, buy a telescope andgaze at the stars at about 2 or 3 in themorning. Be patient, your Sim will soon beabducted by a strange light. Fast forward the afew hours of game time. The aliens will placeyour Sim back on the ground. He or she will goabout back to normal, and may sometimes talk toa neighbor or think about being abducted.
Don't Waste Time Taking Out The Trash...
If you use the $30 trash can, when it gets fullyou can sell it for $30 (it doesn't go down invalue like other items). Then just buy a new(empty) one without losing time or money.
Santa Claus
In your living room make sure you have afireplace, a christmas tree, and a plate ofcookies on a table. At night when all your simsare asleep Santa will appear and leave youpresents.
Buy Big Houses
Whenever you make a family, click on a spot withno house. After you buy the land, put inrosebud;; , and hold enter. When you get to theamount of money you want, go to options and goto the neighborhood. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE!!!! Thenhit the bulldozer button and click on your land.The message 'The ??? family has a networth of$???,???. Do you want to envict them.' Press yesand it will bulldoze the 'house'. Go to the topof the screen and press the Move in/createfamily button. Click on the family you used thecheat with and click on a expinseve house.PRESTO!!! ypu have the house. This is how I gotthe big houses.
Full Green Bars
Ok, hears what you do. when your sim is sleepingpress: Ctrl+Shift+C then type in 'objects_moveon' . After you do this just click on the bedhe/she is sleeping in and then hit the deletebutton. Your sim will disappear.When you hit live mode, your sim's mood barswill be all the way up. The only bar that willnot go ub is Bladder. Or, instead of blowingyour money on a bed, you can just put in thecode and delete your sim. Don't worry, becausewhen you click on live mode they will reapear. ~~~BUT THERE IS A CONSEQUENCE. IF YOU USE THIS HINT YOU WILL NOT HAVE A JOB ANY MORE AND YOU WON'T HAVE ANY SKILL POINTS~~~
Save Some Money!
Before the mail woman comes to put the bill inthe mailbox, click on pause, presscontrol+shift+c, then type move_objects on, thendelete the mail woman. Repeat the process if youever need to.
Santa Clause
Buy a christmas tree, hoiday cookies and a fire place. Then have all of you sims go to bed at 8 pm. Santa will come and leave presents.
Trap Roomie/Burglar
WHen an unwanted Roomie or burglar are leavinghit build and built a gate around them. The copswill get the burglar or the roomie will die.
When you have a lot of logic points from thescience potion thing, make another potion anddrink it. It could be an evil clone. But theclone is actually not evil, the game just saysthat. The clone will wash his/her hands all thetime. Then soon the clone will disappear.
Fake Discovery
Make a family and make them find a job. Don't take any job except for the science career. Get promoted until your sim is a field researcher. This only happens very rarely, but anyways your sim comes home from work one day and the screen thing will say that your sim could get $1,000,000 for discovering the remains of an extra-terrestrial craft. When that happened to me, they found out it was fake. Although I don't know if there is a real discovery. If there is, Happy million dollars$$$!!!
Santa Claus
Make sure you have a fireplace, a christmastree, and a plate of cookies in your living room.Then, go to bed. During the night, Santa Clauswill come and leave you a present. (a pool tableor something) Merry Christmas!
Full Need Bars
Enable the move_objects on code, enter Buy mode,then select your Sim and delete it. Return toLive mode. Click on the deleted Sim's face, anda red circle should appear. Note: If there is apool near by, this will not work, Click on theirface and it will reappear. You only have to saveit if relationship stats or skills have changed.If you do not save, the stats and skills will goback to the last time you saved the game.Note: If you delete your Sim, its need bars willbe all green but your he or she will lose itsjob.
No Bills
Enable the move_objects on code and delete themailbox. There will be no mailbox to collectbills.
Never Pay Bills
Use the following trick to pay your bills, butcost you nothing. Tell your Sim to pay the billas soon as he or she walks into the same room asthe bill. Pause and save the game, then enablethe move_objects on code. Delete your Sim, thenrevive him while the game is still paused.Resume the game and tell your Sim to pay thebill. The bill should be reduced to 0 Simoleons.
Never Miss Work
Enable the move_objects on code and put your garbage can in front of the vehicle.Enable the move_objects on code and move the car to a different location where an inanimate object is in its way.
Birthday Parties
Buy a cake and place it on the kitchen table.Select any Sim and put the pointer on the cake.Choose to blow out the candles with that Sim andevery Sim that lives in that house should haveparty hats and toys. Note: Do not have the caketoo long before you do this, as this will notwork without candles.
Set House On Fire
Buy a rocket launcher and put it outside. Launchit at any time. As the rocket is about to land,enter buy mode. Enable the move_objects on code.Click on the rocket and drag it into your house.This will only work if the rocket can fitindoors. Resume live mode, and the room youplaced the rocket in will catch fire.
Swimming In The Floor?!
Press ctrl shift and then c so the window pops up. Type in move_objects on (dont forgetthe on bit) next have you swimming pool and command your sim to dive in. Now click the pause button and drag you sim to a capeted area. My word now he's/she's swimming in the floor!
Kick Pink Flamingo's
Build pink flamingos and go to live mode. Thenclick on it and kick it.
Make your sim look though the teloscope at night(this may take a few nights for it to happen) andaliens will take your sim. He/she will be gonefor about a day. They may miss work but you won'tbe called.
Unlimited Money
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and then enter 'motherlode' to get more money.
More Money
Press Ctrl+Shift+C and when the window appears inthe top left of the screen type rosebudYou will receive $1000 everytime you do this.
Mood Changes
To change your mood from bad to good simply bring up the cheat menu (hold CTRL+SHIFT+C=cheat menu) type in 'move_objects on' in the cheat menu press F3 click on your person delete him/her (you might want to pause the game) go back to the live mode click on the person's head and he/she will appear some where on your property (NOTE: if you have a job SAVE THE GAME every time you do this, save it before you do this or your promotions and skills will disappear.
Max Needs
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and then enter 'maxmotives' to fill all of your sim's needs.
Control Anything
When you are still in the NEIGHBORHOOD, press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and then enter 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' and you can control who you sim likes/dislikes and all of your sim's needs.
Set Lot Size
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'lot_size ' to set the lot size.
Set Time Of Day
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'set_hour ' to set the time of day(unpatched game version).
Ticks Enabled
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'sweep on' to enable the ticks.
Ticks Disabled
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'sweep off' the ticks will disabled.
Toggles Sound Log Window
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'sound_log' to toggle sound log window.
Restores Tutorial
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'restore_tut' to restores the tutorial.
No Tutorial Object Generation
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'tutorial off', no tutorial objectgeneration when tutorial house is loaded.
Map Editor Enabled
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'map_edit on' will enable the map editor.
Map Editor Disabled
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'map_edit off' will disable the map editor.
Quit Game
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'quit' to quit the game.
Crash Game
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'crash' will crash the game.
Set Free Thinking Level
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'autonomy ' can set free thinkinglevel.
The Personality And Interests
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'interests' will displays personality andinterests.
Grass Growth Rate
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'grow_grass ', you can set grassgrowth rate.
Toggle Camera Mode
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'cam_mode' to toggle the camera mode.
Toggle Sound
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'sound' to toggle the sound.
Toggle Music
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'music' to toggle the music.
Tile Information Hidden
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'tile_info off' to hide the tileinformation.
Save Family History File
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'history' to save the family history file.
Save Game
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'save' to save the currently loaded house.
Tile Information Displayed
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift+C and thenenter 'tile_info on' to display the tileinformation.
Restoring Mood/health
hold down the 'Ctrl' 'shift' and 'c' keys at thesame time until the box pops up in the upper lefthand corner, type the words move_objects on pressenter and go to 'build mode' click the hand icon,now you can pick up your sims drag them to thecontrol panel and delete them. After you deletethem go back to live mode and click on theirfaces in the control panel, they will pop back upon the screen fully restord and in a greatmood. . . . warning: if you have your skillsbuilt up on your sims and you delete the sim ittakes away a couple of your skill points
hold down the Ctrl,shift, and 'c' keys at thesame time when the box pops up in the upper lefthand corner of your screen type rosebud;!;!;! youhave to repeat the colon and exclamation markover and over until you run out of room in thebox make sure you start with a colon right afterthe word rose bud, and that you end with anexclamation mark.
We have no unlockables for The Sims: Deluxe Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for The Sims: Deluxe Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for The Sims: Deluxe Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: hayeleyyelyah679.Read the full guide...
We have no achievements or trophies for The Sims: Deluxe Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
While only a few games nowadays have the option of using cheat codes, there are plenty of cheat codes in one game to compensate for all. The Sims 3 contains many cheats that allow you to so much as make people smile or age in years and much more. All they do is modify the game a little bit without making a lot of changes into the game. Since there won’t be significant changes to the game, you can use any cheat you like – on your own risk, though. You will witness your favourite sim or save become a little different; so better don’t do anything too soon.
Here is everything you need to know about The Sims 3 cheat codes and extra!
The Sims 3: How to apply a cheat code?
All you need to do is press Control-Shift-C for the command box to enable. This allows you to type the cheat codes on the box. As soon as you do, you will see the effect on your game almost immediately.
Testingcheatsenabled true is the most important cheat code there is for the game – by applying this code, you can change the properties of any element in the world by Shift-clicking on it.
You can also alter the sim’s properties and status or teleport yourself to a different location. You can also edit your status of friendship. When you press Shift-Control on the mailbox, you can edit your career as well.
Other cheat codes fitted into the game of Sims 3 are the following:
The Sims 3 Pc Game Cheats
HELP – this code will display most of the codes |
Rosebud – Bring thousand-plus Simoleons |
Kaching – this will bring thousand-plus Simoleons |
Motherlode – Bring fifty thousand-plus Simoleons |
familyfunds [sims last name] [money wanted] – maximum money count is 9999999. You won’t have to use motherlode many times by using this code. |
shazaam – +2,500 lifetime happiness is given to active Sim |
modify traits – this cheat code will clear or modify traits |
make happy – it will set the mood or moodlets of people around. It will also remove a negative mood or moodlets. |
make motives [static|dynamic] – this cheat code allows you to change the motives. |
set age [number] – as the name suggests, it will set the age. |
ageuptonpc on – it will work on children which will age them up into NPC. |
forcetwins – enters upon clicking on a pregnant Sim |
make me know everyone – Selected Sim will now the other Sims |
make friends for me – does the exact same thing as the name. |
resetsim [first name] [last name] – it will Return Sims to safe at home |
freerealestate – when you buy anything, the price would not matter. |
buydebug – it will let you buy anything even the locked objects |
add to household – it will add them to household |
in case – Create-a-Sim |
Other cheat codes are given in the table below:
Cheat | Code |
Move objects that are normally stationary. | moveObjects on/off |
View career outfits and service uniforms (must be entered before you start making a Sim). | unlockOutfits on/off |
Allow terrain adjustments (default is true). | constrainFloorElevation true/false |
Objects won’t snap to slots while holding Alt. | disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off |
Objects fade as the camera gets close to them (doesn’t affect Sims). | fadeObjects on/off |
Show/hide talk and thought bubbles. | hideHeadlineEffects on/off |
Display a random joke within the cheat console. | jokePlease |
Slow motion (0 is normal, 8 is slowest). | slowMotionViz number |
Full screen mode. | fullscreen on/off |
Display frame rate at top of the screen. | fps |
Quit the game. | quit |
Enable llamas. | enablellamas on/off |
Tip: Death Flower Bush
Death Flower Bush enables you to delay your death when Grim Reaper visits you. All you got to do is go to the Pleasant Rest Graveyard and find this plant there. You can keep it in your inventory when you find it for later use. Since it can be used only once, make sure you keep it with you for as long as you can. In the same place where you found it, you will see Special seeds that can be planted at Level 7 for new plant growth. That is the stage where the sim comes equipped with gardening skills.
Tip: Lots of Money
You can try and earn a lot of money by honing your writing skills. This way you will earn royalty from your books if you do write novels. When Sim finishes a book, it receives money for many days afterwards. You can earn around 40000 Simoleons weekly in this way.
Tip: Clean Dishes
You can skip washing your dishes by going to the inventory and selling them. Doing this would not fetch you money. However, you will at least do away with the dishes.
Tip: Baby Gender
When you have a Sim that is pregnant, you can decide the baby’s gender too – with a diet of watermelons, you will get a girl; with apples’ diet, you will have a baby boy. The number of fruits will tell you the number of babies you will get.
Tip: Music and Friends
The Sims 1 Cheats
You need to purchase a guitar in order to be the cool guy. We have heard this before, haven’t we? “play for tips” in order to make friends and form crowds in the park where you will be singing. As and when your skill grows, you will befriend People.
Sims 4 Cheats Pc Printable
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